The CESPE student is configured by a CESPE style. This style or way of being is manifested by the student in his work, however, it comes more from inside than from the area of behaviour.
The CESPE student appears noble and without wrinkles. He is easily associated with others and he tends to assimilate new situations. He is cordial showing his feelings and he want things at once. He shows himself tidy and he tends to sistematization, becouse of the fact that he knows that all effective work is always hard.
In all those expressions of his style, there are some reason or one deep reason whose explanation is his style of being, and not only his style of acting. This style is not easy to analize. There is no way to get it by calculation, and there is no way to feign it too. It is acdquired slowly. It is achieved by contagion. Living and working everyday with intentions or ideals like CESPE´s.